What is gestalt? How does gestalt therapy work? Which courses are offered at NGI, and how do I apply?
This is a brief introduction to the Norwegian Gestalt Institute and the world of gestalt therapy.
Please note that fluency in Norwegian is necessary to study at NGI.
About Norwegian Gestalt Institute
Norwegian Gestalt Institute AS (NGI) was established in 1986 and has offered training and education within gestalt for almost 30 years, with a steadily increasing number of courses and classes. NGI was certified as private college with an officially approved exam in 2003, and now has two formally approved courses. NGI has decided not to apply for state aid and is 100 % financed by study fees.
Our four-year gestalt therapist education is offered in Oslo, Trondheim and Stavanger. In Oslo, we offer three classes each year, while in Trondheim and Stavanger we arrange a class about every other year. The establishment of courses within gestalt coaching and organizational development has given the school a broader platform that has been well received.
What is gestalt?
The word gestalt is German and can best be translated to “a meaningful whole” or “a complete pattern”. Gestalt therapy is built on a fundamental belief that we as humans can live a far fuller and richer life than most of us do today. It is a direction within the humanistic psychology that was founded by the German-born couple Laura and Fritz (Frederick) Perls and the American Paul Goodman in the late 50s and early 60s in USA. Gestalt therapy is based on ideas from existential-phenomenological philosophy.
Practical information
Practical information about each course can be found in the Norwegian course information.
Apply here
Find application details on all courses here (Norwegian site).